Wednesday 30 September 2015


During this scholastic year in kinder 2, your kids shall do literacy activities in order to start recognizing the letters of the alphabet. Almost every month we shall be learning new things by working on specific topics that shall be based over four or three weeks. Each week we focus on one subtitle from the topic and every week the children shall take a closer look at one letter of the alphabet. For example in October we shall be doing the topic:-


              1st week                              2nd week                                3rd week
                   Me                                  My Family                        People who help us/
       Letter for this week                Letter for this week              Letter for this week
               j ta' jiena                               f ta' familja                            t ta' tabib

Friday 18 September 2015

First day at school

On our first day at school we shall focus on the story The Kissing Hand by Aurdrey Penn.

Friday 11 September 2015

Welcome to kinder 2

We are at the beginning of a new Scholastic year, and first of all I would like to welcome you in this new learning adventure. At school your children shall have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge by taking part in numeracy, literacy and many creative activities.