Sunday, 13 March 2016

The Easter Story

Theme transportation - 2nd week- Air transport

During this week we shall learn more about aerial transport that comprises aeroplanes and helicopters.

 Malta has it's own airline


and people can travel from Malta to Gozo by helicopter

The letter for this week shall be ġ ta’ ġewnaħ, ġelat, ġobon, ġurdien…….







Sunday, 6 March 2016

New Theme Transportation 1st week - land

During this week we shall talk about means of transport on land. First we take a glance at transportation in older times when people travelled by walking long distances and later used animals. Then came the wagons pulled by horses and until the first locomotive and then cars were invented.................

The letter for this week shall be the letter e ta' elmu, erba', envelopp...............

erba' blalen